Aufort Trustworthiness: What You Need to Know

3 min readFeb 8, 2024


In the world of investments, trust is not just a word; it’s the bedrock of every decision and transaction. At Aufort, we’re aware of the importance of trust, especially when it comes to safeguarding your precious assets. That’s why we’ve developed a solid system to ensure your investments in gold are not only secure but also transparent and protected at every step.

Here’s a closer look at how we achieve this:

Monthly Reports & Bi-Annual Audits

Transparency is not just a buzzword for us; it’s a principle we live by. We provide monthly reports and conduct bi-annual third-party audits, the details of which are openly available on our website (Aufort Gold Account). These measures are your assurance that the gold you’ve invested in is both real and tangible, safeguarding your investments and ensuring peace of mind.

Decentralized Database Visibility

In an era where data is king, we ensure that every transaction, be it buying or selling; or gold sending between the users, is recorded in a decentralized database (blockchain). This ledger is publicly accessible, offering an unmatched level of transparency and integrity. This is publicly accessible here: Aufort Blockchain Explorer.

Customer Ownership

Your investment in gold through AufortGold is exactly that — yours. As clearly outlined in our Terms of Use (Aufort Terms of Use, section 1.6.8.), the gold you purchase is owned by you, securely stored regardless of Aufort’s operational status. This ensures that your assets remain protected, come what may.

Trusted Third-party Custody

We partner with leading and licensed international gold traders for the storage of your gold. These trusted third parties have secure facilities across the Europe, United Arab Emirates, and Singapore, where your investments are not just safely stored but are also fully insured. This arrangement underscores our commitment to the security of your assets.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Our operations are governed by stringent terms of use and privacy policies, which have been meticulously reviewed and approved by reputable bodies such as the The Estonian Ecommerce Association, Republic of Estonian Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority, and Ecommerce Europe. As a testament to our compliance and reliability, Aufort has been awarded the Secure Shopping lable and the Ecommerce Europe Trustmark.

Partnership with GVS Bullion Group

Our agreement with one of the biggest gold traders in Europe ensures that your gold is stored in secure and audited vaults, currently in Austria (Vienna) and from 2024 also in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai). The gold in these vaults is fully insured, providing an extra layer of security. We are transparent about these arrangements, with detailed information available in our terms of use and through monthly vault reports and bi-annual third-party vault audits on our website.

Choosing Aufort as your partner in gold investment means placing your trust in a company where security, transparency, and customer ownership are not just promises — they’re our standard operating procedures. We invite you to experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your wealth is in trustworthy hands.

Curious to know more? Visit us at Aufort and begin your journey towards financial empowerment. Your future, secured with gold!

